Slideshow: Stress, depression, anxiety, PTSD
Bildspel: Stress, nedstämdhet, ångest, PTSD - engelskaDifferent ways of feeling bad emotionally are described here. Do you recognize yourself in any of these descriptions?
Feeling bad doesn't mean that you are weak or that it's something to be ashamed of Everyone feels this way at some time. You can get proper help if you need it.
Do you have lots of thoughts in your head? Is it hard for you to relax? Are you easily irritated? Then maybe you are suffering from stress. Stress can make you feel tense. Your heartbeat and your breathing can become faster.
You can feel stressed when you are worried about not being able to deal with something, for example, a test at school. You can feel stressed when you are uncertain about your situation. You can also feel stressed if you have experienced something that frightens you. Smoking can make you feel more stressed. You can feel stressed and not know why.
Sometimes it’s good to feel stressed, such as when you need to do something quickly. But afterwards you need to rest and get your energy back. Feeling stressed can often make you feel sad and can be harmful to your body.
- Lista med ställen där du kan få hjälp om du mår dåligt. På svenska på
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