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In some families or extended families, it’s important that no-one brings dishonour to the family. There may be rules within the family or extended family, for example that a girl is not allowed to have sex before she is married. This means that she can’t have a boyfriend, or spend her free time with boys. This is known as honour-related violence or oppression and it’s illegal. It is also a breach of your human rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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Can my family decide everything about my life?

Your parents or legal guardians have responsibility for you until you reach the age of 18. But they aren’t allowed to decide everything. You have the right to be present and make decisions that affect your life. Get help from someone else if you feel that your family wants to decide on or control your life.


Human rights

Human rights protect your right to live a good life. You have the right to education and health care. You have the right to be treated fairly and the right to flee to another country if you are in danger.



Girls and boys shall have the same rights and opportunities. Society isn’t equal yet, but there are laws and plans about how to make it equal.


Farman stopped controlling his sisters

Farman used to monitor everything his sisters did. But then he met a girl who had been the victim of honour-based oppression. Because of that, Farman began to think in a new way.

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