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I think I’m transgender. How can I get help?

Jag tror att jag är transperson, hur kan jag få hjälp? - engelska


I have the body of a boy, but feel like I’m really a girl. I want to change my name and look like a girl. What should I do?


If you feel like your body doesn’t match the gender you identify with, you need to take those feelings seriously. You can get help and support to decide what to do by contacting a youth guidance centre (called ungdomsmottagning in Swedish) or a healthcare centre. If you’re still in school, you can contact the student health centre (called elevhälsan in Swedish).

You can change your first name if you are registered in the Swedish Population Register. You do this by sending a name change application to the Swedish Tax Agency. You can switch to a girl’s name even if you still have a boy’s body. If you are younger than 18, your legal guardian has to approve. But, if you are 18 or older, you don’t need anyone else’s approval to change your name. Here is more information on what to do. 

There are several things you can do to look more like a girl. For example, you can change the clothes you wear, put on make-up or wear your hair like most other girls.

Some people want to change their body so it better matches how they feel. There are different body modification treatments. You usually need to be at least 18 years old to have this kind of treatment. You will also need to undergo an assessment to find out if you can have this treatment.

There are special assessment teams around Sweden who perform these assessments. A youth guidance centre or healthcare centre can help you arrange a meeting with an assessment team.

If you are an asylum seeker or an undocumented immigrant, you have the right to meet a care provider like a psychologist, doctor or nurse to talk about your situation. But you must be registered in the Swedish Population Register and have a residence permit here in order to undergo an assessment.

If you have already started treatment, such as hormone therapy, in a different country, you have the right to continue with this treatment. In such case, you can contact one of the assessment teams and ask how to get help. Here is a list of assessment teams. 

More on Youmo


Sexual orientation and LGBTQI

Sexual orientation is about the gender of the people you fall in love with and are attracted to. You have the right to love and be together with whoever you want.


Youth Guidance Centre

You can visit a Youth Guidance Centre if you have questions about your body, sex or birth control. You can also visit the clinic if you are feeling anxious or depressed and need someone to talk to.


Health care for those who are asylum seekers or without a valid visa or residency permit

Those who are asylum seekers or without a valid visa or residency permit allowing them to be in Sweden, have the right to receive certain types of health and dental care when they are in need of it.

Questions and answers

Here you can read the queries sent in by young people to Ask UMO. All questions on Youmo are answered by experts who usually answer questions on UMO.se.

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