Slide show: Nothing covers the entrance of the vagina
Bildspel: Det finns ingen mödomshinna - engelskaThere is no way to tell that you’ve had sex or used a tampon just by looking at or touching your vagina. Most girls don’t bleed the first time they have sex because there is nothing covering the entrance of the vagina.

Many people think that there’s a membrane that covers the entrance of the vagina like a piece of plastic wrap and that this breaks when you have sex or use a tampon. This isn't true. If a membrane like this did exist, it would not be possible for the blood to flow out of your vagina when you have your period. The entrance of the vagina may look different from one girl to another, but there's nothing covering it.

A video about the vaginal corona, by RFSU
This is a video by RFSU.
This is a video by RFSU.