Slideshow: Birth control
Bildspel: Skydd mot graviditet - engelskaThere are many ways to prevent yourself from getting pregnant. This slideshow will show you the most common methods of contraception.
Most methods of contraception that prevent pregnancy contain hormones. These are substances in the body that affect ovulation and menstruation. The hormones in the various methods of birth control prevent you from getting pregnant.
Condoms, femidoms and the copper IUD are contraceptives that do not contain hormones.
Condoms and femidoms also protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Other methods of birth control do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

A condom is made of very thin rubber. You place it on your penis before having sexual intercourse. This prevents sperm from entering the vagina. It is important to wear the condom the entire time that you are having sexual intercourse. Condoms can be bought at pharmacies, kiosks and supermarkets, as well as on the Internet.

Video about birth control
This is a video about birth control, from RFSU.
This is a video about birth control, from RFSU.